
Too Many Invites

Summer is finally here. Yay! I’m finally free. But why do I feel more stressed and anxious than during the school year when I’m working? I’ll tell you why… TMI. No, not the TMI you’re thinking about. My TMI is an acronym for Too Many Invites. I’m sorry if this blog comes off mean, pretentious…

You Do You Boo…Well, Kinda

Summer break has started and I am really going to try and do all the things I don’t get to do during the school year…like blog regularly. I’m not sure how well written these blogs will be. But I’m gonna write and post them. Just to get into the habit of writing my thoughts down…

ADHD And Loss

A close family member passed away recently. I’ve lost a few close family members. Aunts, uncles and my father’s mother. But this loss hit a little different. At the funeral her daughter asked if anyone wanted to say anything. One of my cousins volunteered and he did an incredible job of being able to recall…

What’s Cooking?

It’s that time of year again. The holidays. Ugh. And no matter what, you can’t avoid the dreaded question, “Can you bring an appetizer?” For many neurodiverse individuals—and even some neurotypicals, this phrase slaps the panic button in our brains and sends us into an immediate depression. I know your initial reaction to that question…

Environmental Evolutions

I was folding clothes the other day and listening to my YouTube shows. One ended and another began. This show was about evolutionary perspectives on autism and ADHD by the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland. They had a discussion with Dr. Annie Swanepoel—who in my opinion is extremely knowledgeable about all things neurodivergent. She is…

Oh, Sugar, Sugar

So, I gained a little weight and I’m not happy. I’m not a vain person, I just don’t feel comfortable. So, in my haste, I decided to try a no sugar diet. I know—sounds impossible. And, it is pretty tough. Sugar is in everything! Even meat! My sister introduced me to this diet and she’s…

I Hate The Holidays

Yes, it’s true. I’m basically the Grinch. I hate the holidays because I have ADHD. It’s as simple as that. There’s truly no other explanation for my hatred. I know there are neurotypicals that also hate the holidays and their reasons are completely valid as well. ‘Tis the season we bond. How can I enjoy…

You Suck

I think one of the hardest things about having ADHD is negative self-talk and being overly hard on myself. The thought that I suck at life haunts me a little harder than most. I know every human has certain expectations of themselves but individuals on the spectrum and those with ADHD take it to the…

I Guess I’m Just A Traditional Kinda Girl

The journey to having your novel traditionally published is a tough one. When covid hit, I took it as opportunity to write a book. I had no clue how to write a book and no idea how the industry worked. I love to write and my dream was to create something, so in my mind…

But First, Coffee

Today in one of the ADHD groups I follow, someone asked if any squirrels medicated themselves with caffeine. I’ve seen this topic before, so I thought I’d blog about it. I’m an unmedicated squirrel. It’s not that I don’t believe in medicine for ADHD—actually, it’s quite the opposite. I’m completely for medicating kids and adults…


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